Our animals

The Beef

Our primarily grass fed beef consists of the breeds angus and hereford along with a cross between the two. We finish most of our animals on pasture; however, will corn finish if that is preferred. We sell our meat at our farmstand, the local Jerusalem Store on VT 17 in Starksboro, along with in bulk by the quarter, half, or whole. We also sell some of our beef live to other Vermont and New England farmers.

4H is a big part of our life as well. Natalie and Aiden have shown our beef at our local county fair and are also active 4H members in the Green Mountain Grazers 4H club that Ashley co-leads. We have leased animals to be shown at the fair as well.


Our pigs are a mix of old spot, duroc, and tamworth breeds. We raise some of the litter for our own consumption along with to stock the farmstand. The remainder of the piglets are sold to local Vermonter’s when they are of weaning age. We farrow in the barn where we have electricity to run heat lamps and heat pads if needed. The rest of the time the pigs are outside with shelter. Our pigs are fed the food scraps from 3 householders along with a pellet grower grain.